Posted by: recycleannarbor | June 19, 2012

Arlington, MA moves to mandatory recycling and limit trash collection

The Boston Globe reported that the City of Arlington, MA has introduced mandatory recycling and limits on the quantity of trash that will be collected. A Town of Arlington information sheet prepared for residents gives detailed information on the changes the new service will bring.

Effective July 2nd, recycling in Arlington will become mandatory and limits will be imposed on the quantity of trash that can be disposed of in any week. Trash carts will not be serviced by the city’s contractor unless they are accompanied by recycling, and the trash collection is limited to 100 gallons per household. A typical trash cart in Ann Arbor is 64 gallons, so Recycle Ann Arbor considers the trash limit to be generous.

The restrictions on trash collection are in part driven by costs. Limiting the quantity of waste being collected will keep the costs for the city’s hauler, JRM Hauling and Recycling, down, ensuring the contract costs do not exceed those previously paid to Waste Management.

The City of Arlington anticipates that the new service will increase waste diversion, and help them achieve the aims of the Massachusetts 2010-2020 Solid Waste Master Plan. Recycle Ann Arbor believes that providing access to convenient recycling services, and restricting the disposal capacity available for trash, will have a very positive impact on waste diversion rates.

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